Akshay Kumar and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan were awarded the Padma Shri in New Delhi. They added star power to the illustrious company that had gathered in the Rashtrapati Bhawan. Needless to say, they were awarded the prestigious prize for their contribution to cinematic arts. Aishwarya Rai who is no stranger to awards has another feather to add to her already full cap. After being a jury member on the Cannes film festival and a regular on the international film festival circuit, Ash is on a roll after being awarded the Padma Shri! And Akshay Kumar is finally having his day or rather year with the awards he's been collecting - something which kept evading him in the past. While the action star is known for his on-screen stunts, Akshay will now have the distinction of being the recipient of a Padma Shri. Ash and Akki were accompanied by their respective families, who also obliged the shutterbugs at the end of the ceremony.
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